Effective competition is the foundation of a free market economy. In this field, the goals and activities of the European Union and Estonia have led to the development of complex and comprehensive competition regulation, which is not always easy to follow through relevant case law and always requires professional advice. A knowledgeable, informed entrepreneur and a well-advised person are prerequisites for making good deals and preventing possible violations and disputes.
In order to revive the economy, various support measures have also been implemented, and individuals can apply for support from both national and EU-funded measures to promote their activities. Since there are no free lunches, the acceptance of state aid also requires the person to fulfil their obligations properly, which is a prerequisite for understanding the scope and content of the obligations. LINKLaw lawyers come to help in advance with professional advice.
We advise and represent clients in, among other things, the following:
- preventing violations of competition law, including prohibited agreements, concerted action, consulting transactions, and other business-related activities;
- consulting undertakings with a dominant market position in daily business activities and when conducting transactions;
- consulting on mergers;
- providing advice on how to avoid violations of the unfair competition prohibition in the daily economic activities of companies;
- providing advice in applying for state aid and in subsequent procedures related to the use of state aid;
- consulting in administrative and court proceedings.
Selection of recent projects:
Ragn-Sells AS
Representing and advising in the merger proceedings with Väätsa Prügila AS and representing in various civil and administrative court disputes related to merger proceedings
Viru Keemia Grupp AS
Advising and representing various companies within the group in various competition law matters and representing them in proceedings before the Competition Authority
Aktsiaselts Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika
Advising on matters related to competition law
Eesti Pagar AS
Representation in state aid related court dispute