Triin is the head of the dispute resolution, administrative law and environmental law unit in Law Firm LINKLaw and one of the founding members. She has practised as an attorney for 20 years and for the past 13 years Triin has led the litigation team where she has trained many young successful attorneys.
Representing clients in the most demanding cases, which often require expert knowledge, has made her a recognized litigator. Triin has long and extensive experience in the environmental and administrative law. There are few attorneys in Estonia who, like Triin, have specialized mainly in environmental law. Triin is undoubtedly one of the top experts in this area. Triin’s dedication and professionalism has been recognized in the court as well as by clients. She has also acted as an arbitrator.
- Consultation and representation of Viru Keemia Grupp AS, one of Estonia’s biggest companies, and its subsidiaries in different environmental matters, including oil shale mining permits in administrative and judicial proceedings, industrial emissions, environmental charges, waste, and heat price limit related issues
- Representation of AS Merko Ehitus group enterprises and Riverito AS in environmental court disputes
- Representation of Eesti Pagar AS in state aid related disputes
- Consultation and representation of Harju Elekter Group AS and its subsidiaries
- Representation of Ragn-Sells AS in various civil and administrative court disputes and in concentration procedure
- Representation of Arkaadia Kapital AS and its subsidiaries in different disputes
- Participation in various law legislative processes in the interest of clients, including Industrial Emissions Act, Earth’s Crust Act, Railways Act, Public Transport Act etc.